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Tom & Jerry’s Big City Adventure


When GoNoodle teamed up with Warner Bros. Pictures to produce a kids' activity video themed to the new Tom & Jerry movie, they looked to Primal Screen to create it.

Half Row Media

The City

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Tom & Jerry features plenty of mad cap races through New York. As we developed a script littered with big city hazards for young viewers to leap over, duck under and scoot around, we searched for first person footage of a ride through the city. Needless to say there are no videos with all the right stops, starts and obstacles, so we combined and manipulated footage, adding photoreal CG elements when needed.

Half Row Media

Cat and Mouse

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In the video, viewers run (and jump and tumble) in place as they chase Jerry through town. While Warner Bros. supplied animation from the movie, we had to work hard to place Jerry in his new environment.

Born to Run

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Since our earliest days, we’ve been creating new exciting adventures starring Tom and Jerry, so we were thrilled to be able to place them in the real world for some hi-def hijinx. That this new video benefitted kids was just icing on the (gooey, toppling, oversized) cake.

Primal Screen did all scripting, editing, CGI, compositing and sound in house.